- This project was started to answer a couple of simple
questions about when particular pieces of armour came into and went
out of fashion. In particular I was interested in the date range of
the centrally hinged visor on bascinets and when uncovered
globose body defenses came into popularity.
- While searching for the answers to these questions I
thought it might be interesting to examine all the parts of armour in
the age of the transition from mail to plate. What follows is the
result of that search.
- I have done my best to be as methodical and complete
as possible. However some errors are certainly going to be present.
For those errors I take full responsibility.
- The dates used for this analysis were based on the date of the creation
of the effigy (where available) rather than the date of death of the person
- The data is inclusive of both flat monumental brasses
and three dimensional monumental effigies.
