Talbot's Fine Accessories Medieval Jewelry  and Accessories Page

Talbot's Arms This collection of jewelry and accouterments are made by Dr. Douglas Strong. He has been building a personal collection of medieval antiquities for over 30 years. He is especially interested in acquiring "objects of everyday life" of the medieval time period: buttons, buckles, munitions grade armour, brooches, rings, shoes, clothing, coins. He prides himself on the accuracy of the objects that he sells! Much of our jewelry is made using casting and etching techniques described in detail in Vannoccio Biriguccio's 1540 book Pirotecnia.

The Replica Collection

While every piece we make is intended to follow the highest standards of authenticity, all of the items offered in the Replica Collection are made in molds taken from original antiquities. This is as close to perfect as you can get! Each piece has every detail that the original had (including any flaws.) They are lovingly cast in bronze, brass, silver or pewter, whichever would be most appropriate for the piece. Each piece is guaranteed to be taken from an authentic original, most of which come from our private collection. Each item is the replica collection bears a the notation "Replica Collection"

Viking and Anglo-Saxon Items
Medieval Jewelry and Religious Items
Buckles and Belt Fittings


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If you are interested in authentic historical artifacts click on this site!! Talbot's Fine Accessories: Historical Antiquities

If you are interested in how-to books and pamphlets click on this site!! Talbot's Fine Accessories: Books and Pamphlets

You may also be interested in seeing the virtual museum for our private collection of medieval artifacts The Strong Collection.